Diabetes Treatment. Reimagined

Restore, Repair, and Regenerate.

Finally, a groundbreaking approach designed to address the primary cause of metabolic disorders instead of only suppressing symptoms.

We utilize a revolutionary, multi-patented Physiologic Insulin Resensitization (PIR) system that provides an innovative way of providing individualized patient care where insulin is administered as a hormone rather than a drug. By using insulin in a manner that bio-mimics normal glucose metabolism, we can:  

  • Reduce insulin resistance. 
  • Increase the amount of blood sugar entering the cell. 
  • Increases the conversion of sugar into energy. 

Increasing cellular energy allows damaged tissues and organs to grow, repair, and regenerate. In many cases, this approach has shown the ability to stabilize and, in some instances, reverse the complications of diabetes and other metabolic disorders. 

Schull Institute Study Insulin Infusion Therapy on Diabetic Complications (Oct 27, 2015) Retrospective, observational study (n=60) reported: 


Elimination or Significant Improvement in Neuropathy


Improvement in at Least One Diabetic Complication


Reported HbA1c Reduction

Infusion Treatment

The treatment is designed to reduce insulin resistance, which is the primary cause of type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

  • The treatment includes an intravenous precision administration of FDA-approved fast-acting insulin using an FDA-approved portable pump.
  • The objective of the precise dosing is to achieve biomimicry of insulin as a hormone communicator to stimulate the metabolism–not to simply use insulin as a drug to suppress a high blood sugar, which typically causes insulin resistance at the insulin receptor level.
  • The pump’s patented biomimicry engineering combined with our patented treatment protocol are designed to administer insulin bio-identically to the body’s way of maintaining an optimized metabolism.
  • Along with the insulin hormone, the patient is given small, specific amounts of glucose (ingested as a dextrose liquid) to stimulate the digestive system and its role in the metabolism process during treatment.
  • Each treatment lasts about two to three hours, and the patient is free to move around the clinic during the treatment.
  • Insulin Sensitization – By achieving insulin sensitivity at the insulin receptor level, glucose can more readily enter cells and be converted into adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP–a molecule that carries energy within cells.

Dig Deeper: Research Articles

Physiologic Insulin Resensitization as a Treatment Modality for Insulin Resistance Pathophysiology

Dynamic diabetes solutions: physiologic insulin resensitization

Improved Kidney Function Following Physiologic Insulin Resensitization Treatment Modality

Case Series: Reversal of Diabetic Neuropathy Utilizing Physiologic Insulin Resensitization

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